I have hit it!!!
that's right, I have hit the wall and am now officially begging for help....
Here's the deal
I have all types of things in the pipeline but with only myself and my trusty sidekick Katie working on them, my to do list is crazy long and getting longer by the minute.
First order of business is to find a talented new friend to help us out in the graphic department.
I need a person to jump on board that can work with me implementing new design ideas for the blog, website, and shoppe.
It would be crucial that you speak photoshop and html and it's also super important that you can get down with blogspot.com
You do not need to live in LA, but you obvs have to be able to email and Skype with me
Please please please, if this sounds interesting email me HERE and lets chat.
Please send your resume, or an example of some of your work
If I get some help I can blog better...seriously
I will be able to pay TONS of attention to you lovers
OK so lets talk HERE
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