Favourite Furniture Fridays Revamp

I've decided that Favourite Furniture Fridays could use a little revamp. Sure it's fun to drool over iconic investment pieces together like we have been for the past few months, but I thought it might be MORE fun to feature the favourite furniture pieces OWNED by some of our favourite design bloggers.

I'll get the ball rolling.
I'll admit, I don't own much furniture because I'm still living at home to save money. Even if I owned a full houseload though, this dresser would still rank near the top for me. It needs to be refinished...badly, the top is scratched up and the varnish is foggy in many places.
Despite these imperfections, it's solid, with dove tailed drawers, and it has a gorgeous shape. Also, its  got the cutest little wooden caster feet, and an adorable keyhole on the top drawer. I added some pretty crystal knobs for sparkle. Most importantly, it's a beautiful antique that I got out of my grandmother's basement. Sentimental value goes a long way with me.
If you'd like to have your fave featured, please e-mail me at thedesignerlifestyle@gmail.com
Tiffany Leigh


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